Saturday, June 24, 2006

but hey!

whoa. after using the high resolution lcd monitor for six months, using an ordinary crt with low resolution is quite dizzying. especially since everything looks so big.
anyways, after an inspiring and enlightening day yesterday, i'm back on track today by finally finishing integration and the entire syllabus for cts. all that needs to be done is some extra reading through and practise.

was doing integration this morining, when suddenly, a realisation came to my mind. in the warhammer 40000 universe, mankind is rules by the Emperor, who possesses enormous power. after a duel with one of his former allies, the Emperor was forced to be entombed in a life support machine where he still enforces his rule. he is the saviour of mankind and he has led the entire race from darkness into the light. the Ecclesiarchy, a group of priests and religious leaders with alot of authority, deem the Emperor to be a divine entity. ordinary humans worship the emperor like a god.
however, a race of genetically modified superhuman soldiers known as space marines, believe otherwise. they believe that the Emperor has immmense abilities and skills but is essentially a man with extraordinay powers. because of this, the Ecclesiarchy and the space marines often have conflicting viewpoints on the Emperor and both sides, while necessary to mankind, are not at all in good terms with each other.

this sure does remind me of another ideological difference that is clearly visible today. (hint; its nothing to do with Dan Brown) loll. ohwell, there's more to such things than meets the eye. all we have to do, is just look hard enough. happy mugging everyone! its only a few more days. (:

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